Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual Second Edition

Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual (Second Edition)

Both a report guide and a clinical resources, this acknowledged manual offers advanced practice nurses comprehensive preparation for avant-garde oncology certification tests (AOCNP® and AOCNS®) as well as a valuable reference that tin be used in everyday practise.

Newly revised and updated, the book covers a wide range of topics, from types of cancer treatments and therapies, cancer symptoms, and some fundamentals of avant-garde practice nursing, including cancer screening, prevention, and early detection, genetic risk, cancer diagnosis and staging, all the way to cancer survivorship. Each chapter non only covers the content but offers recommended resource for oncology advanced practise nurses and primal points. Sample test questions are offered in the final chapter.

If you are an oncology advanced do nurse, nurse manager or supervisor, or eligible for renewal of your AOCNP® and AOCNS® tests, don't wait to lodge the latest edition of the all-time-sellingAdvanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Transmission.

Fellow member Price: $99.00 Nonmember Cost: $177.00


Chapter 2 - Genetic Chance

This chapter details issues surrounding genetic risk. Topics covered included genetic risks, testing, standards, and much more.

Chapter 3 - Cancer Diagnosis and Staging

This affiliate presents an overview of the cancer diagnosis and staging process every bit well equally the specific staging systems used for several of the virtually common malignancies.

Chapter v - Surgery

This chapter outlines current surgical oncology prove-based interventions and the management of mutual cancers. The chapter also discusses innovative interventional radiology techniques and minimally invasive surgical procedures that provide the same...

Affiliate six - Radiations Therapy

This chapter provides an overview of RT for the APN, including indications for treatment, patient and family instruction, and implications for exercise.

Chapter 10 - Pain, Fatigue, and Cognitive Impairment

Pain, fatigue, and cerebral impairment are common problems encountered by advanced practise nurses (APNs) in oncology practise. This chapter addresses the assessment, diagnosis, and management of each symptom.

Chapter xi - Myelosuppression and 2nd Malignancies

This chapter details general concepts of os marrow suppression, specific findings and management associated with suppression of each cell line, and full general principles of patient direction for all disorders as a group.

Affiliate 12 - Cardiac and Pulmonary Toxicities

This affiliate reviews the potential toxicities that patients may develop following treatment with chemotherapy, biologic therapy, and radiation therapy. The affiliate volition as well highlight the proposed etiology, adventure factors, diagnosis, and treatment...

Chapter fifteen - Metabolic Emergencies

This chapter reviews the incidence, pathophysiology, cess, and treatment strategies for disseminated intravascular coagulation, sepsis, tumor lysis syndrome, hypercalcemia of malignancy, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, and...

Chapter 17 - Psychosocial Management

This chapter details psychosocial problems in patients with cancer, including anxiety and low; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); fear of recurrence; cognitive changes; sexual health and body image changes; family/caregiver distress;...

Chapter eighteen - Cancer Survivorship

This chapter examines aspects of survivorship, including definition, historical perspective, care models, provision of intendance, and useful resources for providers and survivors.

Chapter 21 - Professional Practice of Advanced Exercise Nurses

This chapter presents a review of the cardinal principles that are part of avant-garde practise nursing. These principles include information on licensure, certification, scope of exercise, standards, credentialing, practice regulation and reimbursement...

Chapter 22 - Test Questions

Wendy H. Vogel

Shirley Triest-Robertson

Barbara Holmes Gobel

This chapter provides test questions for those studying to take advanced oncology nursing certification tests.


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